Monday, December 8, 2008

Piggy loves her kitty

I wuv my wittle pussy cat yes i do! She's the cuttest wittle kitty in the whole wide world!! I used to have a wittle puppy dog, a tiny chihuahua named Tinkerbell. But my wittle pussy ate him! Yes it did!


BronteCreep said...

Miss Piggy - really love this artwork, i think it is brave & beauitful work!

if you are the woman in the Miss Piggy head? i wish to tell you firstly that this truly is a fantastic blog, small but the effect on me is to want more...

i think the goal is too leave people wanting just that? anyway i'm really contacting you/the blog author, not sure if you noticed my following or even the link on my blog, if you desire this link or following removed, i have no problem with that, just reply if so? my blog is not the most attractive & i do not want to spoil your art.

i found you very sexy on every level/size, sorry i had to say it :)

Miss Piggy said...

Im glad you like it Miss Piggy likes to have spectators. I've checked out ur blog , enjoyed looking at ur pics.I like ur passion for comedy and oddities, Keep it up! Snort, snort